SmartTRAK Login



Product/Company search is located at the top of every page. Simply start entering the company, product, or market you are looking for related search results.

Direct Access

If you have a question about SmartTRAK's analysis or tools use the "Direct Access" button. You'll find it on just about every page. Please select whether it is a question for an analyst, or if you are having technical issues,  a question for the tech team, by using the form radio buttons "Analyst" and "Tech Team", respectively. An analyst will follow up within 24 hours and provide assistance if it is something we track or information we can get a hold of. A support person will follow up on technical issues. 

Help Topics

I've forgotten my password!

If you’ve forgotten your SmartTRAK password, it’s easy to quickly reset it and access SmartTRAK. Just go to the web page and click on the Lost Password button. On the Reset Password page, type in your username OR your email address, click Reset Password and an email with further instructions will be emailed to you. In that email will be a link to SmartTRAK.netwhere you will be able to enter a new password. Once your password is reset you will be immediately able to sign in using that new password.

How do I get SmartTRAK Updates e-mailed daily?

Click on person icon in the top menu. Select "Edit my Profile". Then select "Daily" instead of "Weekly" on the "Updates" option. Note: you can have Updates for profiles you've marked in your Watchlist delivered to you on a different schedule. Select the desired frequency in the preferences menu.

Setting up Watchlist

In SmartTRAK, you can designate the companies or products that you’re most interested in for your Watchlist, and receive SmartTRAK Updates on your Watchlist at a frequency based on your preferences. Watchlist items can be selected and deselected using the star icon throughout the application. To view your Watchlist, click the blue box with the yellow star inside it on the top right corner of most pages.

Adding a Note

Do you find yourself losing your competitive information in that overloaded folder on the corporate server? Now you can put it in its logical place - in the related Market, Company  or Product profile on SmartTRAK. Also at the bottom of every profile you'll find "Notes" that lets you add your items (a white paper, picture, or article - or simply enter a note) to the profile that only you (or your Team) can see.

To add a note of your own to any article on SmartTRAK, simply click on the Add Note button with the  pencil icon at the bottom of the page and the Note box will open up. Type in your note and click the Submit button to save.

Is my data secure?

We understand that the security of the data you add to SmartTRAK is important. We have designed the site's security framework following industry best practices so that each subscriber has access only to their personal and team data. Attachments are hosted with additional encryption processes. Access to your data by BioMedGPS personnel is limited to web support staff for administrative purposes only. BiomedGPS editorial or administrative staff do not have access to customer files and notes. Customer files are kept separate from system files and all access to these files is strictly logged.

Each subscriber has their own unique user ID and password in addition to a valid cookie and session ID that is required for access. All communication between the site and your browser is encrypted with an advanced level of SSL that authenticates our site in your browser. Our site is hosted in a secure data center with controlled access and security. Backups are done nightly and are archived in a separate secure location.

We are vigilant about the security of SmartTRAK. We'll work closely with our clients on solutions for their unique security needs.

Why is this company or product missing from SmartTRAK?

If there is a company or product missing we would like to know about it! It may be that it falls out of the category and it is classified under a different segment. Click on the Direct Access button in the upper right corner to let us know and we'll follow up with you.

Configuring "Teams"

A SmartTRAK "Team" is a private list of subscribers from the same account/company. Subscribers may upload notes and files to Company, Product and Market profiles for Team access. When another member of the team views that profile they will also see the notes and file(s). Team membership is configured in the "My Teams" section of your profile.

Which browsers are recommended?

SmartTRAK is designed to work on most modern browsers, but things will be smoother if you're using an up-to-date version of a mainstream browser. We recommend the latest versions of these browsers:

  • Chrome 51 or greater (Mac and Windows)
  • Mozilla Firefox 42 or greater (Mac and Windows)
  • Safari 9.1.2 or greater (Mac and Windows)
  • Internet Explorer is not recommended. Version 10+ is preferred.

Updates Emails